Managing stress and controlling mental states are important components of being successful personally and in business. I know that I operate and respond better when I am in flow, or "in-the-zone." So, I value tools and techniques that help me get there.
One of these tools is called Holosync. It is still incredibly useful to me, even though I've been using it for over five years.
It induces relaxation and meditative states without any effort or technical know-how. Simply put on the headphones and listen to seemingly normal music. The sounds are specially encoded to do all the work.
The basic premise is that sound waves can affect brain waves.
Bill Harris has built a business around figuring out the brain wave patterns for meditation, creativity, compassion, etc. – and finding a way to send tones through headphones to help guide your brain waves into the chosen pattern.
It is a very pleasant experience. Bill was a musician and has made sure that the scientific stuff is well-hidden beneath, nicely arranged musical scores and relaxation sounds.
My heart rate calms down, my head clears, and In a few minutes I'm in a measurably better state. How do I know? Because I have a biofeedback device that measures my pulse, heart rate, galvanic skin response, and other readings to help me learn to relax better.
I have tried various breathing and focus techniques, with varying degrees of success. However, without fail, I simply put on the headphones, and I relax.
Not just me, though, either. I've demonstrated this to skeptical children, friends, and even my wife. All of them experience the same thing. We hook them up to the biofeedback machine, we put the headphones on them, and they relax.
I use it several times a week, and almost every time I travel. I find myself using Holosync mostly at night. However, our portfolio manager uses it at the beginning of the day. He claims that it helps him concentrate and it puts him a better state to do his job.
You be the judge, though. Bill has a free trial at his website. Here is the link. All in all, this is certainly a technology worth investigating.
What follows is from a promotional piece for Holosync. Normally I wouldn't include this type of information. However, I use the product and agree with the message.
OK, I admit it… I'm amazed!
I know from personal experience how beneficial and effective the Centerpointe Holosync® program has been in my life. And I know how valuable it's been to many of my closest friends and associates…
As you know, our passion here is to make available to people just like you–the best and most effective ways to…
- Dramatically improve your mental, emotional, and spiritual health…
- Help you create real and constant happiness in your life, regardless of your past or present circumstances…
- Improve your creativity, intelligence, and mental functioning…
- Significantly improve your overall sense of well-being and inner peace…
- Help you create your own success in the world, along with the personal satisfaction and sense of fulfillment that comes with being successful.
Well, judging from the mail I've received about Centerpointe's, The Holosync Solution™, we've obviously hit the nail on the head.
I've actually recommended this program many times over the past several years, and I've always been impressed by the positive comments I've received from so many people who have used it.
The common thread running through most of these comments is that Centerpointe's Holosync audio technology really does create the benefits mentioned above.
I'll tell you a few brief points about the program in a moment, but you really need to go to Centerpointe's website.
Now, here's just a "taste" of what The Holosync Solution can do for you…
- It can allow you to effortlessly reach states of deep meditation–even the very first time you use it…
- It can dramatically accelerate your mental, emotional, and spiritual growth, giving you the results you always THOUGHT you were supposed to get from meditation (but, if you're like most people, never really got)…
- It can dramatically raise your threshold for stress and cause stress-induced dysfunctional feelings and behaviors (including anger, depression, fear, anxiety, substance abuse, and many others) to fall away … and
- It can increase your self-awareness, inner peace, and happiness, as well as your ability to connect with other people and create successful relationships.
If you've tried meditation, or some of those other personal growth approaches that just didn't deliver, or just want to go MUCH deeper, with faster results… or if you just want to grow and improve your life at an accelerated pace, I know you'll love The Holosync Solution.
Look. I don't recommend things to my friends and clients lightly. But I'd be doing you a disservice if I didn't share this with you. There's no risk to check it out, and I know you'll be glad you did.