Here are some of the posts that caught my eye. Hope you find something interesting.
- IBM's Jeopardy-Winning AI, Watson, Not Yet Scheduled for Wall St. (WS&Tech)
- The London Stock Exchange is Courting High-Frequency Trading Business. (VB)
- Indonesia's Amazonian Opportunity. Is it the Next Brazil? (WSJ)
- Tracking IPO Market Performance this Year: Prices Fall After Offering. (WSJ)
- As Government Aid Fades, So May the Recovery. Close to $2 of every $10 that went into Americans’ wallets last year were subsidy payments (NYTimes)
- Power Rankings: Top 10 NFL owners. (ESPN)
- Belief in Evolution vs. National Wealth. (DefShepherd)
- Being Top Baboon Can Be Very Stressful. (LATimes)
- How Spotify's Casual Encounters Seduce Young U.S. Music Lovers. (FastCompany)
- Google Staffing Up On Patent Lawyers & Experts. Do you think that will be "cleansing" or "clogging" to the innovation process? (Techcrunch)