Yesterday, I looked at the clock at 12:13.
Humans see patterns … often, even when there isn't one.
Yet, in this case, it was 9-10-11 12:13.
And then today was 9/11.
Sometimes, numbers don't mean anything … other times they do.
Here are some of the posts that caught my eye. Hope you find something interesting.
- List of the 50 Most Influential in Global Finance. (Bloomberg)
- President Obama's Full Speech on the American Jobs Act. (PoliticUsUSA)
- U.S. Slips to Fifth in Global Competitiveness. (NYTimes)
- The Obama Presidency by the Numbers: A Difficult Hand, Played Poorly. (WSJ)
- Algorithms Are Smarter Than People: But Beware the Feedback Loop. (Physicsof$)
- Military Officials Ignored Cheney’s 9/11 Shoot-Down Order. (Alternet)
- Tony Robbins Video: What Really Matters In Economic Winter? (AR)
- Drunk Swedish Moose Found Stuck In Tree. A headline you don't see too often. (Fox)
- Her Art Asks: Can You Believe Your Eyes? Kind of cool. (MSNBC)
- President Ahmadinejad Asks Syrian Leader to Show Compassion.
Kind of funny … if only it was. (Gawker)