Government popularity has taken a hit lately.
Here are some of the posts that caught my eye. Hope you find something interesting.
- Why Peter Drucker Distrusted Facts. (Harvard Business Review)
- 9 Metrics to Help You Make Wise Decisions About Your Company. (KM)
- Steve Jobs Told Team Not to Ask "What Would Steve Do?" (AppleInsider)
- What Will Happen When the Average Lifespan Tops 100? (BigThink)
- The Rise of The Megacity. Jakarta, Lagos, and Sao Paolo are changing the way we think about cities. (Slate)
- A Behind the Scenes Look at MF Global's Last Days. (SeattleTimes)
- Here Are the World's 29 'Too Big to Fail' Banks. (TheAtlantic)
- Paying for Safety: Older Investors Voting With Their Wallets. (WSJ)
- We Had a Good Week; But Wall Street Had Its Worst Quarter Since the Crisis. (Bloomberg)
- Obama to China: Behave Like a 'Grown Up' Economy. (CNBC)