Energy Policy and Green Energy have been in the news recently. Here is a cartoon poking fun at the situation. It's called "Feeding the Federal Furnace."
Here are some of the posts that caught my eye. Hope you find something interesting.
- The Five Stages of Strategic Grief. (HBR)
- Reid Hoffman's 10 Rules for Entrepreneurial Success. (Entrepreneur)
- 6 Surprising Things Social Media Can Predict. Why to mine social media. (TheWeek)
- Why an MRI costs $1,080 in America and $280 in France. (WashingtonPost)
- DataViz Tool Shows You Gaping Holes In Your Password Security. Scary Cool. (FastCo)
- Everything That's Wrong With the Economy in 1 PowerPoint Slide. (TheStreet)
- Central Banks' $9 Trillion Is Global Economic Lifeline. (USAToday)
- Bye-Bye American Pie: The Challenge of the Productivity Revolution. (RobertReich)
- School for Quants: Learning to Calculate Our Future. (FT)
- Amazon Faces Taxing Times. After losing the battle to avoid collecting sales taxes, investors may learn why it fought so hard for so long. (WSJ)
MRI cost story is interesting one.
yes. nice article