You don't have to look hard to find prices going up.
Here are some of the posts that caught my eye. Hope you find something interesting.
- Most Expensive City to Live In the World Survey. Can you guess? (HuffingtonPost)
- The Personal Computer Is Dead. Product is transforming into service. (TechReview)
- Is the Laptop Dead Too? Yup. (FastCompany)
- Car Dealers Wince at a Site to End Sales Haggling. (NYTimes)
- Exercise Your Body/Mind. Some of these videos are crazy. See for yourself. (Video)
- The Really Simple Argument For Why QE3 Is About To Hit. (BusinessInsider)
- When Should Traders Be In or Out of Markets? From Joe Fahmy. (BigPicture)
- Ultrafast Trades Trigger Black Swan Events Every Day, Say Econophysicists. (TR)
- The Target at Post-Bailout GM – Earning $10 Billion a Year. (WSJ)
- Stock Broken: Why Trying to Stop Congress from Insider Trading Might Backfire. (TD)