Let the Buyer Beware … What you see at first is not always what you'll see if you look more closely.
Here are some of the posts that caught my eye. Hope you find something interesting.
- Nokia Claims Apple Rigged Siri to Name iPhone Best Phone. (News)
- Everyone Has Been Hacked. Now What? via Threat Level column in Wired (Wired)
- Why Anonymous ‘Might Well Be the Most Powerful Organization on Earth’. (NP)
- Video of the Dalai Lama. "I shout and say harsh words." (Telegraph)
- The Frequent Fliers Who Flew Too Much. The cost & consequences of unlimited first class air travel (Latimes)
- The Commencement Address That Won't Be Given. (RobertReich)
- Economic Alert: If You’re Not Worried Yet…You Should Be. (Alt-Market)
- Japan Shrinking. It now has routinely more deaths than births per year. (WQuarterly)
- Hedge Fund Stars Have a Sixth Sense –They See Dead Countries. (Forbes)
- The Once and Future Dollar. The benefits and drawbacks to the dollar as reserve currency. (The-American-Interest)