Sometimes, seemingly simple tasks are harder than they should be. Thought this was an interesting graphic. Go ahead, count the black dots.
Here are some of the posts that caught my eye. Hope you find something interesting.
- How Hard Are You Willing to Push Yourself? (Harvard Business Review)
- What Makes Bad Writing? Hard to define, but we know it when we see it. (WSJ)
- Why Today’s Tablets Don’t Really Matter. (Economist)
- CyberCriminals Sniff-Out Vulnerable Firms – Video. (Wall Street Journal)
- Why Surveillance Cameras Could Make Us Better People. (TheAtlantic)
- 'You Didn't Build That …' More on Obama’s burst of ideological rhetoric. (WSJ)
- Three Central Banks Act to Stimulate More Borrowing. (NYTimes)
- The Incredible Shrinking American Government. 169K Jobs Gone in a Year (Atlantic)
- 10 Signs of Economic Trouble That China’s Official Data Won’t Tell. (AlsoSprach)
- What If Speed Traders Competed on Price? (Businessweek)