Apple Is Enormous. How Enormous Is Apple?

In case you hadn't noticed, Apple is BIG!  

It is the biggest company in the world, worth about $725 billion.

How big is that, really? 


150816 Apple is Getting Pretty Big

 Photo AP via Gawker.

PriceWaterhouseCoopers recently released its annual overview of the world’s largest companies.

Here are some factoids from that report to put Apple's enormity in its proper perspective:

  • Apple is worth almost twice as much as the world’s second largest company, Google (valued at $375 billion).
  • Apple is worth as much as the second and third-largest companies in the world (Google and ExxonMobil) combined.
  • Apple is worth more than Walmart, Facebook, and JPMorgan Chase combined.
  • In the past year, Apple increased in value by more than the total value of General Electric.
  • Apple is worth more than the gross domestic products of Pakistan, Peru, and the Philippines combined.
  • Apple is worth more than the gross domestic products of West Virginia, New Hampshire, Idaho, Delaware, North Dakota, Alaska, Maine, South Dakota, Wyoming, Rhode Island, Montana, and Vermont combined.
  • Apple is worth more than the net worth of the fourteen richest people on earth combined—a list that includes Carlos Slim, Bill Gates, Warren Buffett, Larry Ellison, Michael Bloomberg, the Koch Brothers, and the entire Walton family.
  • Apple is worth more than $100 billion more than the entire 2014 United States defense budget, which includes all spending on the armed forces and Defense department and related departments and all international wars.
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