Someone sent me a motion-activated toilet bowl night-light for my birthday. I guess that is an early indicator that Depends won't be far behind.
Here are some of the posts that caught my eye. Hope you find something interesting.
- Palestinian Activists at the DNC Believe Time is on Their Side. (Huffington Post)
- The Hidden Meanings behind the Set Designs of the RNC and DNC. (Wired)
- Why the Suspected Russian Hack of the DNC is Such a Game Changer. (FastCompany)
- Scientists Use Lasers to Regrow Teeth from Stem Cells. (IFLScience)
- Mark Cuban Says He’d Consider Being Vice President — for Trump or Clinton. (Re/code)
- Nasdaq 100 Catching up to All-Time Highs – What Could this Mean for Market? (Stockcharts)
- AI Needs Oversight – Time to Set Standards for Autonomous Tech. (NewScientist)
- 'Pokémon GO' is the Biggest Mobile Game in History & It's about to Top Snapchat. (Forbes)
- Cadillac Bets on Virtual Dealerships. (Wall Street Journal)
- How Will Bots Make Money? Here are 7 Business Models. (VentureBeat)