Verne Harnish - On Scaling Up

A couple of weeks ago, I shared a video of me with Scott Harris - explaining that spending time with individuals who can understand your problems from a different point of view is the best way to 10x your growth.

Well, today, I want to share with you a conversation I had with Verne Harnish, who specializes in growth and scale.  He is the founder of the Entrepreneur's Organization, Gazelles (which is a global executive education and coaching company), and Birthing of Giants (which is now called the Entrepreneurial Masters Program at MIT).  So, he kind of knows what he's talking about.

Here is a brief video …



I recommend that you check out Verne's books – Scaling Up,  Mastering The Rockefeller Habits, and The Greatest Business Decisions of All Time.

He also offers some great one-page tools that you can download here.

Good Stuff!

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