I was talking to a friend this weekend and was reminded of an old parable I heard years ago…
I stand on top of the mountain and I just kick pebbles … Minute by minute, hour after hour, day in and day out … I simply kick pebbles.
Mostly, those pebbles fly off into nowhere and I watch them skip away … Occasionally those pebbles hit a small stone … Juuuusst right … and that stone slides down the hill.
Then, sometimes, those stones collide, on the way down, and their slide becomes a tumble and they smack a ROCK.
And, those ROCKS begin to fall, end over end, gathering speed … and a couple hit a BOULDER … Then … the Boulder shifts… there is a RUMBLE … the EARTH MOVES BENEATH ME …
I stand on top of the mountain and I just kick pebbles … Minute by minute, hour after hour, day in and day out … I simply kick pebbles!
Keep up the good work!