Here are some of the posts that caught my eye. Hope you find something interesting.
- 90% of Companies Think Their Executives Deserve Above-Median Pay. (ThinkProgress)
- Airlines Plan to Reduce Flying Next Year Due to the Sluggish Economy. (Mercurynews)
- Foreclosures Rise Sharply as Banks Move More Aggressively. (MSNBC)
- Who's Afraid of Fast-Speed Traders? Apparently Lots of People. (Fortune)
- SEC Proposes Prohibitions And Restrictions On Proprietary Trading. (Hedgeweek)
- The World’s Leading Nations for Innovation and Technology. (TheAtlantic)
- 280 Books Entrepreneurs Should Read. (Under30CEO)
- Trust the Evidence, Not Your Instincts. (NYTimes)
- Vitamin E Pills May Boost Risk of Prostate Cancer. (Newser)
- That Elusive Knowledge Algorithm. Some thoughts on defining knowledge. (GeekLaw)