Here are some of the posts that caught my eye. Hope you find something interesting.
- Startups'
New Creed: Patent First, Prototype Later.
(Businessweek) - Are
We Really Getting Smarter? Why IQ Scores Have Kept Rising for the Past Century.
(WSJ) - The
CIA and Jeff Bezos Bet on Quantum Computing. (Technology Review) - The
Science of Procrastination and How to Manage It (Animated). (BrainPickings) - Deepak
Chopra: The Mideast Protests, Social Networks & the Global Brain. A
race between the mullahs & the iPad (TDB)
- America's
Richest Hedge Fund Managers. (Forbes) - Investing
Books That Go Above and Beyond. Nice List. (Tadas Viskanta) - QE3
myths. Monetary Stimulus Doesn’t Punish Savers & Isn’t All About Stock
Prices. (Slate) - CEO
Speaker Series: A Conversation with Ray Dalio. (Council on Foreign
Relations) - Book
Review: Is “Unintended Consequences” a Scary Preview of Mitt Romney's Economic
Policies? (Forbes)