Holiday travel made better for the NSA now that the FAA allows travelers to use electronics during takeoff and landing.
Here are some of the posts that caught my eye. Hope you find something interesting.
- Best Business Leaders 2013. (BusinessInsider)
- Software Patent Reform Just Died In The House, Thanks to IBM and Microsoft. (WP)
- Why Is Turkey Cheaper When Demand Is Higher? – NYTimes. (NYTimes)
- Cyber Monday 2013: Best US Deals and Sales. (Pocket-Lint)
- Temperament is More Important than IQ. (FarnamStreetBlog)
- Apple is Sitting on 10% of All US Corporate Cash. (Quartz)
- Thanksgiving Digest: Mobile 43% Of All Traffic, Over 25% Of All Online Sales. (TechCrunch)
- Credit Card Companies Use Free Shipping as Weapon in E-Commerce Battle. (AllThingsD)
- Putting a Speed Limit on the Stock Market. (NYTimes)
- The Future of Computer Based Trading. (Magic-Maths-Money)