While conspiracy theorists argue whether the NBA rigged the finals to get to get to game 7, I find this more disturbing … it's a photo combining Hillary and Trump into a Clump.
Here are some of the posts that caught my eye. Hope you find something interesting.
- 12 Neglected Questions Successful Leaders Keep Asking. (LeadershipFreak)
- The 5 Books Bill Gates Wants You to Read this Summer. (Inc)
- Netflix Launches Fast.com, a Dead Simple Way to Test Your Internet Speed. (Mashable)
- Your Life in Weeks. (WaitButWhy)
- The 8 Most Elite Special Forces in the World. (BusinessInsider)
- Buffett Becomes Apple’s 56th Largest Shareholder with $1 Billion Investment. (BuzzFeed)
- Apple's Latest Billion-dollar Business: Venture Capital? (Mashable)
- 22 U.S. Companies that Just Keep Getting More Profitable. (MarketWatch)
- What Current Trends Tell Us about the Future of the Hedge Fund Industry. (QuantNews)
- JPMorgan Has New Theory about What Really Caused the Flash Rally. (Bloomberg)