A friend of mine just bet me that Trump would win the election. So far, Trump has offended a lot of "interest groups" with campaign remarks. But, then there is Hillary. It is going to be close.
Here are some of the posts that caught my eye. Hope you find something interesting.
- 17 Surprising Interview Questions these CEOs Always Ask. (Inc)
- Should We Be Afraid of AI? (Aeon)
- Don't Read This! (It's Only the Most Valuable Psychology Hack You Can Learn.). (Entrepreneur)
- Liberal Brains are Different from Conservative Brains, with Psychiatrist Gail Saltz. (BigThink)
- Jerry Jones Disinterested in Presidential Run, but “Proud” to See Hillary Clinton Earn Democratic Nomination. (Star-Telegram)
- Delinquency Rates Surge in 2016, Poised to Head Higher. (FinancialSense)
- 4 Blockchain Companies that Could Change Everything from Accounting to Money Transfers. (MarketWatch)
- In the U.S. and Abroad, More Young Adults are Living with Their Parents. (PewResearch)
- Top 100 Economics Blogs of 2016. (Ritholtz)
- How Much Did the Clintons Make from Paid Speeches in 2015? (CNW)