Social Media often becomes a "best-of" reel of our lives … carefully curated to show off our best selves.
Imagine what that leads to for us and our children … ??
It is tough to live up to your social media standards (let alone to keep up with others').
This Instagram model (apparently, that's a thing now) with over half a million followers took to changing her captions to display the falsehoods.
via The Guardian
How tempting is it to photoshop (or embellish) a little? In a recent survey of 2000 British people, more than 75% admitted to lying about themselves on social profiles.
Here is a chart ranking the most common topics people are most dishonest about.
via 10Awesome
Fake photos, fake ownership, and relationship lies top the list.
There was something magical about taking a trip back before everything was a camera.
+1 I like it.
Thank you for helping me, I am looking for this help, finally found a helpful guide on this topic, keep sharing and keep helping people.
Ahaaan nice post . Will help me some day Thanks for sharing.