It's a lot easier to manage something you measure.
Here at Capitalogix, we measure the expectancy score of trading systems.
Former "Shark" Kevin Harrington does something similar with eyeballs.
For years he killed it on TV with products like Ginsu Knives, the George Foreman Grill, etc.
But TV viewership has dropped over 50% … and that's not a sustainable model anymore.
Luckily, like a true "Shark" he realized something that many people don't…
You have to be committed to your goals, not the tools you use to accomplish that goal.
I shot a video with Kevin where we talk about that … and more. Check it out
If you have been doing the same thing for 18 months (or longer), chances are the practical realities of time, technology, and a changing competitive landscape implies that you should be doing something different (or at least differently).
What are you doing to stay relevant in your space?