

My Exercise Experience
I just finished a physical for an insurance policy. My blood pressure was 120/80. My resting pulse was 68 and my weight has been coming down. Combine that with a good week in the market and the new portfolios, and I was feeling pretty good about myself. So, I went to the gym to work-out
080215 Market Commentary
The Markets may still have some room to downside. Basic chart reading says it is bearish when the 200 day moving average is higher than the 50, which in turn is higher than the 20. That is math-speak for "we are in a bearish down-swing." The S&P closed at its 20-day moving average.    
When Getting In Is the Hardest Part
The Wharton business school has what may be the most sophisticated, confusing, and effective, course-registration system ever devised (it is an auction). I don’t know how it is relevant; yet,  I thought it was interesting and worth sharing.  You can click the link to read more.