

Want to See a Downtrend? Check-Out the Dow Priced in Gold.
I use a service called “Chart of the Day” – and as you might guess – they post one chart each day. I love preparing my own charts. But, I think the way I think. Sometimes, I get a new insight or perspective from how others see the market. What follows is an example of
Custom Index Built with Worden Blocks
Worden Blocks is a fun and useful tool.  It is very easy to build and customize charts, indicators, and scans.  Here is an example of something built with Blocks.  It is a composite index of the five major US equity indices (Dow, S&P, Naz, Russell 2K, and MidCap).  On the version I use, I also
Market Commentary from February 29th
Who asked for the extra day in February anyway?   Certainly not me. The week started great.  Then investor confidence took another blow Friday as the S&P 500 declined by 2.7%; its worst day in a long time. If you were watching, I don’t have to tell you how bad it was late last week.  Bottom
Market Commentary as of February 22nd, 2008
Market Commentary Most major US equity indices are in a "triangle" consolidation pattern (like the one shown in the chart below). I view this as constructive, even if it results in lower prices short-term. The bear-swing down, from late December through January, had a lot of momentum. The consolidation worked-off a lot of that. Consequently,
Finding Your Center
Managing stress and controlling mental states are important components of being successful personally and in business. I know that I operate and respond better when I am in flow, or "in-the-zone." So, I value tools and techniques that help me get there. One of these tools is called Holosync. It is still incredibly useful to
Are You a Dictator?
Inertia is tough.  There is often no barrier too small to halt progress.  After a meeting, do your notes get into your computer? Do you send the follow-up correspondence you thought about and know you should?  When you think of something that you need to do – do you capture the idea and add it