

Are You As Good As You Once Were?
Toby Keith has a song that claims: “I ain't as good as I once was … But I'm as good once, as I ever was.”     Probably not … but it was fun to get back in the Shot Put circle at Duke University. I was there for Graduation Weekend. Apple CEO Tim Cook
Reflecting on the Time Value of Life
I'm currently on the east coast for a family celebration … and a funeral.  Life and death.  Death is often a trigger that sends my thoughts spinning: celebrating life; mourning death; imagining what lies in store for the family; empathizing with the survivors … and even future-pacing to my own death and memorial service. In
Trading Eyeballs... What Comes After "As Seen On TV!" with Shark Tank's Kevin Harrington
It's a lot easier to manage something you measure.  Here at Capitalogix, we measure the expectancy score of trading systems. Former "Shark" Kevin Harrington does something similar with eyeballs.  For years he killed it on TV with products like Ginsu Knives, the George Foreman Grill, etc.  But TV viewership has dropped over 50% … and that's not
The United States of Apathy
When I think about World Leaders (in places like North Korea, Russia, or Syria), I recognize how lucky we are to be able to elect our leaders in fair and free elections.  Unfortunately, that's not an opportunity that we take advantage nearly enough.  America has a two-party system,  and we count our votes down district
Disney's Imagineering Process – An Overview
How do you build something new and bold? What steps help make thoughts become things? What does it take to transform a vivid vision to a revolutionary reality? Disney calls it 'Imagineering'. What follows is a simplified version of the process Walt Disney Imagineering uses when it designs and builds theme park attractions, resorts, and